
Careers & Student Dance Teacher Training Program in NW Calgary

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Information & Requirements for the Program

At Premiere Dance Academy, we pride ourselves in providing an environment for our dancers that is encouraging and conducive to learning and growth. Although our first goal for every dancer is to have fun, we also recognize that some students see dance in their future long-term.

We prepare students to pursue a career in dance if they so choose by offering classes in a variety of styles. We have had dancers successfully pursue their passion for dance at prestigious performing art schools Globally, others who have been featured on Broadway, in music videos, TV commercials, Cirque du Soleil, Las Vegas shows and so much more.

Student Dance Teacher Training Program

The Student Apprenticeship program provides an opportunity for Premiere Dance Academy students to apprentice alongside a qualified instructor and assist them in teaching a class.

We recognize that some students have an innate passion for dance that leaves them wanting to continue their development as dancers. The Student Apprenticeship program is a valuable learning experience for Premiere students that are serious about dance.

Students will spend quality studio time alongside a qualified teacher in preschool and beginner-level classes, giving them valuable teaching skills and increasing their understanding of instruction.

Additionally, dancers enrolled in the Student Apprenticeship program will be best prepared for the Student Dance Teacher Training Program Course for high school students.

The Student Apprentice program pairs apprentices and instructors in actual preschool and beginner-level classes, meaning there are a limited number of positions available. The following guidelines ensure the best placement of applicants within the available spots:

  • Applicants must currently be registered as Premiere Dance Academy students
  • Applicants must have a minimum of 5 years dance training
  • Applicants must currently be attending school in Grades 7 – 9 and/or are 12 – 14 years old
  • Applicants must commit to the program for a full year in order to complete it successfully
  • All applications will be read by the Artistic Directors, acceptance will be determined partly by this evaluation
  • Applicants will be required to sign a contract agreeing to finer details and regulations of the position once accepted into the program
  • Parents of applicants must read and sign the program’s guideline agreement

Successful applicants of the program understand that these positions are volunteer-based but that we expect participants to uphold studio conduct and guidelines.

  • Participants must be positive role models to the younger students and their peers
  • Participants must continue their dedication to their own training and are expected to be helpful to fellow dancers, parents, and the class they assist in.
  • Proper attire is essential in all classes
  • Participants will follow the same procedures as the faculty when they are ill or unable to attend their scheduled classes
  • Promptness is expected for all classes
  • Participants will be evaluated on a monthly basis by their instructing teacher
  • Monthly evaluations will be screened and read by the Artistic Directors

In the unfortunate event a participant is unable to follow these guidelines, they will be released from the program. Participants are welcome to leave the program voluntarily if they feel it is a poor fit, but they will be unable to return to the program in the same season. Additionally, if a participant voluntarily leaves the program, this may impact their chances of acceptance to the program in future seasons.

If you would like more information about this program or would like to apply, please contact us for more information.

At Premiere Dance Academy, our mission is to guide and inspire students to develop a true passion for dance and foster the love they already have for it. This program offers dancers the opportunity to pursue their passion for teaching. We offer the Student Dance Teacher Training Program for high school students in Calgary.

This program provides training for student dancers who wish to explore the world of dance instruction. This includes but is not limited to lesson plans, choreography, and the incorporation of both theory and practical hours. The program was designed by the Owner, Lisa Svecla, to help create well-trained assistant and student teachers.

If you would like more information on this program or would like to apply, please contact us.

Proudly Serving NW Calgary for Over 40 Years

Where to Find Us?

Visit Our New State of the Art Facility at The Link at Royal Vista

Location & Parking

We have a private parking lot and are located across from Renert School.


#310 – 19 Royal Vista Link NW
Calgary, AB T3R 0K4


Phone: 403-286-8561
[email protected]

Office Hours

4:30 PM8:30 PM
4:30 PM8:30 PM
4:30 PM8:30 PM
4:30 PM8:30 PM
No Office – Staff Messages Only
9 AM1 PM

Subject to change due to Covid-19

Programs & Workshops

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